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Address: 10521 N Michigan Ave, Kansas City, MO 64155


Preserve The Word order form

Please print out this form, fill out the appropriate areas and send it in with your Bible. For any options you would like, including size, place a X or a number on the line as appropriate. If you don’t know something or have a question, please place a ? or leave it blank and we will go over everything when we call you after receiving your Bible.

The options listed on this form are intended to provide you with a general idea of the cost for us to rebind your Bible as well as to provide us with the information we need to give you a more specific estimate for the work you desire. Please remove all loose papers, sticky notes, bookmarks, etc. from your Bible, and mail it to us with this completed Order Form.We will call you to confirm the order and give an estimate before we begin any work.

NOTE: If your Bible is a New World Translation(Jehovah’s Witness version), The Clear Word Bible, an LDS ‘bible’ or contains the Apocrypha, please don’t send it. We respectfully decline to work on bibles that are not the inerrant Word of God. We are willing to work on Bibles with the Apocrypha if you agree to let us remove it before rebinding. For more information about this issue, please see our FAQ page on our website, Thank you!

Name: _______________________________________________________

Phone #: _____________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________


Email: _______________________________________________________


Deposit included: $__________ Check # ________________ Vemo or Zelle ___


Leather Choice :_______________________________

(To be confirmed by Phone - All leather is the same price. If you don't know, just leave blank and we will talk about it).


Size of Bible (We determine the size of your Bible by the square inches of leather used to cover it. Use your best guess as to what size catagory your Bible will fall into and we will adjust the charge up or down once we get your Bible).

Small ($95-$100) _____ Medium ($105-$110) ______ Large ($115-$120) ______ Xtra-Large($125 and up) _____


Style: Double Snap ($0) ___Single Snap ($0) ___No Flap ($0) ___

Double Strap ($30) ___Single Strap ($15) ___ 1/2" Overlay ($0) ____      

Swing Clasp ($10) ____ Heart Clasp ($17.50) ____ Custom ($Varies) ____


Rebind ______ $25 / $50 depending on the amount of work to be done. Your Bible will incur a rebind charge and may, in extreme cases incur a charge for extra time if pages are coming out and or loose, you have poured glue down the spine, you have taped the pages, have water damage or have an excessive number of folds and/or 'dog-eared' pages (an excessive amount of folded pages affects the binding process as the Bible isn't flat anymore for the pressings). Once we have your Bible, we will talk to you about the repairs needed and give you an estimate before we start ( 1 hour is given to work on your Bible's pages / and spine in order to get it ready for rebinding. Any time beyond that is charged at $40 / hour).

If you have poured any type of glue down your spine or in-between your pages check here: ______

If you have put any type of tape on your pages check here: ______

The above will help us determine a more accurate estimate.


Endsheets  _____ ($20)  The endsheets are the heavier, usually coated paper of a different color attached to the inside of the front and back cover. You will need new endsheets if your Bible is a hardback, has a construction type paper instead of a heavier duty coated paper or has rips and or tears in them.


Ribbons (Your original one comes off with the old glues)

$2/Ribbon ____ (Colors to be confirmed by phone)


Additional Blank Pages (1 set = 4, 8 or 12 page faces per set. So, if you wanted 8 page faces at the front, that would be one set. If you wanted 4 page faces at the front and back, that would be 2 sets.)

$10/set - # of sets ____ (front/back/both) _______


Pen Holder ($10 each) _____


Hand Stitching: Small ($42.50-$45) _____ Medium ($47.50-$50) _____ Large ($52.50-$55) _____

Xtra-Large($57.50 and up) _____ (Thread Color to be confirmed by phone)


For Styles with straps: Hand Stitching on Straps ($15/Strap) _____


Pockets ($20/per pocket) _______ (You will need to also choose the Hand Stitching option as that is how the pockets are held on. Pocket color, style to be confirmed by phone)


Custom Burnwork: Name ($15) ___ (Burns turn out BLACK or DARK BROWN depending on leather - not gold or silver) Font style and location to be confirmed by phone. Name as it is to appear on Bible: ___________________


Custom Burnwork: Other ($40/Hour) Give brief description ______________ ____________________________________________________________details to be confirmed by phone.


Expedited Service: Need/Want your Bible back sooner? 2 week guarantee (not including shipping times) + %20 of the total cost of your bible: ______


Custom work or other notes such as incorporated notepad holder, outside pockets, straps, handles, buckles, wraps, etc.... (Price to be discussed over phone) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Separate Journal Holder ($60): ______ Leather/Stitching to be confirmed by phone.


Other leather items ($Varies): ________________________________ (10% discount on all leather goods when purchased with Bible service).


I authorize Preserve The Word to perform the requested work on my Bible. I understand that this form is designed to be an estimate and that Preserve The Word has the right to determine the correct size and need for repair and that costs will be properly corrected either up or down. I understand that I am financially responsible to Preserve The Word for all work authorized on this form and verbally over the phone.

Signed: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

Preserve the Word: custom leather bible repair, rebinding and recovering service